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As part of Orayaart, there is a tree planting program.

You invest and in 6 years it pays for itself, I know, does that sound nuts?

Let me explain a bit more.

Orayaart will purchase, plant and look after your nut tree and when you visit you will be entitled to a Kilo of fresh organic nuts off your own tree, (valued at £25) so you see, it pays for itself!

Your will receive a downloadable certificate for the tree in your name.

Not only that, but you get the satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed to cleaner air, as your tree will just keep on giving and giving to the environment and if you want a completely clear conscience, the good new is there is no end to the amount of trees you can sponsor. To work out your carbon emissions, find out here with the carbon calculator. You can also gift a tree to a friend. Even more benefits are that we will name the tree after you. So do it with us to get your Nuts!

Sponsor a Tree

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